Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Delight

Its business as usual on Sunday morning, except for the Sec 2s for its their turn to run the canteen. Armed with baskets to sell bread, labels to advertise and various teams in different corners of the canteen ... they are certainly more prepared (than the last time) to make their sales.
Whilst they are spolit for choices at the food corner, the drink section remains the most popular. Whatever (food) that are purchased, the drink is still needed. To some, its a MUST to have their COFFEE fix (to start the day !!!). To enlarge their sale demands, hot dessert were also available.
At the pastry corner, the chocolate Éclairs were the hot flavourite thus 3 self-declared MAFIA bouncers were ready at hand, in the vicinity for crowd control .
To drown the noise of "food fighters", Trevor and his group provided music to enhance the ambient. (Not too sure if it was effective !!!)
Whilst serving on plates was a breeze, packing for take-away was a challenge. There were lots of special requests, ranging from "gravy to be separated" to "not too much of this or that", to "why so little ?"
Siew Mai ... sinful but shiok !!! Eat first, confess later !!! The priests are always nearby. (May share sins too ... I mean sinful food too !!!) ... anyway ...DIETING starts TOMORROW !!!
As the demands for more chocolate Éclairs were received, out came the "emergency stock" .... well hidden away for this very situation. ... a lesson learnt from the last canteen experience !!!
The people in red, preparing hot crepe' complete with strawberry fillings and tender loving care.

All packed and ready for take away. Vivien on hand to provide some "tips" on "marketting skills" .... BUY, or ELSE !!! (even to a sister !!! hmmmm ??? ... part of being customer focus ?)
Mee Siam ..or.. ME !!! whatever !!! Anything goes .... depending on demands !!!
Dessert anyone ...?

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